In one diwali vacation our muktangan group decided to take interviews of various government officials. One special camp was also arranged for that purpose. When we discussed with some parents one suggestion got from Shrikant Rode. Prathamesh Rode's father suggested me for visiting his village .
So one day we visited to his home town Tala near Indapur (Raigad).It is 12 km from Goa highway.At the foot of the Tala fort village is situated.As per it’s name many small ponds are around this village.It is also a taluka place.When I saw Rode’s house and it’s interior design, furniture it was quite different than normal houses.Big cupboard of shisam wood.Large shisam swing in a story building with attached systems.It may be built before independence.His grandparents may be one of the richest in a village.This was my guessing.But Shrikant did’nt tell me about it .One well was also there at the backyard of his house.After seeing all surrounding area we met his cousin .On the way we went one shop for enquiries . Shopkeeper called Shrikant 'Khot'.That time I confirmed that his grandparents must be rich because in Konkan area Khot was main person of a village like a king .

We were going to meet his cousin.He is well known leader in that area.When I was in his cabin , within half hour around 10 phone calls ringed and among them some were from police station,leaders,local people.He was very busy but he continued to discuss with us.He gave full assurance for any help during camp period. I told him my plan of interviews and about interaction with government officials with our muktangan members.He agreed and note down it.For camp purpose he directly contacted to respective persons like Tahsildar, Talathi. So we wanted to decide only confirm dates. Then we returned township .
Generally when exams were finished on next day we planned our camp. So I gave information about camp.One meeting was also held before camp.Two – There parants requested personaly for omitting Samhihan from camp.They were worried about his behaviour.We gave some assurance them .we told them that number of volunteers included more than previous camps.So we could separately handle him. Total 30 members with volunteers registered their names for Tala camp.In those days time span of camp was three days. Two night halts at Camp site.So lot of preparation needed and mainly volunteers must be around five to six.Without volunteers it was not possible.Volunteer like Rajendra Pande is star of our camp because he can handle any situation during camp.In every camp my daughter always asked Pande kaka is coming or not.Mrs.pande , Abhijit, Gargi’s mother ,Alka Chaudhari, Anjali all volunteers have a specific qualities which always benefited to all muktangan members.Muktangan activities is basically team work without support of parents and volunteer any program doesn’t succeeded.
Mandar kandalgavkar,Samihan Lohit, Nisarg
Deshmukh,Dr.Vikrant,Tanvee Sawant,Sharvari Modak,Shreya
Satgauda,Supriya Bargole,Gargi, Prathamesh Rode, Pranali Rode, Maitray,Anish Pathak, Sunidhi Sagare,Aashvini Jadhav,Aarohi Joshi, Soumitra Joshi were the participants.

We went nagothane by 7am bus .In nagothane we ate some fast food.Than by ST bus we reached at Indapur.In Indapur stand there was direct bust for Tala village. Only 12 kilometres distance from Indapur.we all got proper seats in ST bus ,only our members were in bus so members enjoyed small journey.When we reached at Tala stand one person already waiting for us.So with him we reached Rode's house our base camp.All members kept their shoes, chappals in row outside the house.Our members always tried to obey some rules like keeping any waste material like chocolate covers,rappers at proper place . Than all members kept their Bags in a row and took diary pen for group meeting.Than all members and volunteers gathered in hall for program discussion.Our program details were told in meeting . Groups and leaders were decided in meeting.Tanvee and Vikrant both were main camp leaders. Five groups created and their respective leaders decided.Each group was given particular work like Nasta preparation and distribution,lunch and dinner preparation, Cleaning of utensils,Kirana kharadi, cleaning of base camp area.. Above work was common for all but every time group may be changed . Each group leaders given responsibilities like planning for each common camp work, preparation for interviews,camp fire, diary writing, drawing competition,quiz,drama. So all leaders wrote names of all their group members in their diary and details about responsibilities. For every program there was one group discussion on the subject of upcoming program.Shrikant’s brother Chandrakant arranged one big tempo 407 vehicle for visiting Mandad caves.Mandad caves or Kuda Leni is 6 km from Tala.It is situated in hills.It is in a good condition.It is like a bhaje caves Lonavala (Malvali).Carvings in black rock.Some stupas are also there.Normally all leni / caves situated in the business route or traveller route which was used in ancient times.People were using caves for night halt because caves were constructed in a safe place . Normally their locations in the deep forest only.So to avoid from wild animals it was constructed on the slanted rocks.Today due to industrial development deforestation occurred.So we can see easily some caves.But still some caves are in unmanned areas. Caves are safest place still today. Holy people who travelled for religious purposes they used these caves.Material which import from foreign countries and materials which export from our country may be transferred from this routes.In Maharashtra from coastal Konkan areas to western ghats some caves are there .From pune to coastal areas we can see Karla caves,Bhaje Caves,Thanali Caves,Mandad caves which shows map of business route . Samrat Ashok created lot of caves for monks, sadhus which travelled for religious purpose.In silk route from China to India many caves ,big statue of budhhas are still there.If we traveled from shreenagar to Manali by road via leh lot of Buddha statues and carvings can seen in that route.
In Mandad Caves many carvings are there.Elephants statue, Lotus flowers,big pillers, Water tanks are in cave area.From this cave we can see coastal part .Sea is near from kuda Leni.After completion of sight seeing our members not down some information in diaries.Some information written on board by government. Than we visited pisciculture plant which is near the Leni . We had lunch there and in the evening we returned to base camp. Than we our one group started preparation for nasta.Shrikant's relative and family members helped lot.Our members role was only assisting them.Water was taken from well which was at backyard of the house.Another groups were busy in Diary writing , drawing some on kuda Leni subject.
After seven in the evening one group went for food preparations . They started their work and others were busy in camp fire preparation, diary writings.Than we visited to temples of the village.One old house shown by Shrikant which was related to our first finance minister C.D.Deshmukh.Great personality of our indian history after independence.Only one group was absent for that visit because they were busy in dinner preparation.There were many temples in village.Mahadev Mandir, Shivaji Mandir,vithal Mandir, Kalika Mata Mandir, Hanuman Mandir. After seeing temples we returned to base camp. Our groups already prepared for camp fire activities.Sunidhi sagre, Modak, shriya all prepared good small drama .Some mimicry play by Sunidhi sagre .Two three members sung nice songs.
All members participated in camp fire.All groups tried to give best performance in camp fire.Songs ,jokes,dramas presented by everyone.
Fun and entertainment every where in Camp fire program. .Camp leaders gave instructions for next day program .That was end of the that day program.
Next day early in the morning at 5.00 am all members woke up and our second day routine started. Breakfast preparing group was busy in their work.Actually lot of adjustment during camps because there may be sharing , coordination needs .So balancing that situation is always hard After breakfast we went towards Tala fort.Village is at base point so we immediately reached at the starting point.Small path with steps was there for going to the top of the fort.Height of the fort from sea level was almost 1000 feet .We reached on the top within half hour. We can observe around 25 to 30 km area from fort .That may be reason our ancienters choose the location of fort.It may be very important fort because from this fort we can observe Roha ,Dighi ,Mangav,Indapur, Ghosalgad fort.For business point of view it may be famous spot at that time.Shrikant told us some story of this fort.In 1648 this fort won by Shivaji Maharaj.He knew the value of this fort because it was trade route , material which came here was transported to pune and other cities from here .It was very helpful in keeping watch on Siddhi Jhohar of Janjira .There were 20 tanks on the fort.Many basement of old houses were present on the fort.One big storage building called Laxmi kothar was in ruined condition.Ponds were full of water during our visit.Fort may be well protected because old boundary wall still in good condition.Total three Buruj (watching tower) were present on the fort.At the entrance of the fort there was a hanuman Murti so it is called Hanuman Darvaja.Some caves were also there on the top .these were evidences of probable big locality on the fort.Enterance Buruj was tall having approx height of two story building. We explored all sites of fort within hour and returned to base camp in afternoon.
Our lunch group started helping in kitchen.Providing water, cleaning of utensils, cutting of vegetables, arrangement of lunch.After lunch cleaning of utensils and area responsibilities were done by that group.During that time others prepared for taking interview of Gramsevak and one another government officials of the village. After a lunch we went to hanuman mandir for interview.Our members took interview for almost one and a half hour. Role of Gramsevak in village, different responsibilities of that posts were some topivs on which discussion many questions asked by our members so lot of fun also occurred .Our members collected many information from them .Then we returned back.
In the evening period there was Quiz competition in groups . Diary writing was also scheduled .Food preparing team started their duty after competition.After nasta some games taken.Than we went mandir for Aarti .When returned to base one group went to kitchen and others for camp fire preparation. After dinner all enjoyed camp fire with individual performances.Due to hectic schedule members got tired and hence that days program finished little early and members went to sleep.
Next day was last day of the camp.So early in the morning at 5.00 am we all woke up and started all the activities. After morning breakfast all groups started preparation for Tahsildar office interviews. Shrikant's cousin Chandrakant Rode arranged vehicle for visit and also took prior appointment of Tahsildar.We reached at the office at 10.00 am.First one government official Talathi gave information about his role and work in his office.Our members asked him many questions about his work.Many questions were very innocent type but he answered very well. Then he instructed us to go in hall where Tehsildar Mr.Nikam waiting for us in a hall.Chandrakant Rode was also chief public representative of Tala panchayat samiti.So he introduced us with Tahsildar Mr.Nikam. Than Mr Nikam told about himself .He was done mechanical engineering.Than he gave examination of Maharashtra Public service commission.He qualified all written exams and interviews.Than after clearing MPSC examination he was appointed in Tala office as a Nayab Tahsildar.Than he asked information about all our muktangan members .Then questions answers program started.Tanvee and Vikrant took initiative and asked many questions.Many members in our group who were in primary section also asked questions.In that conversation Pande's role was very helpful for interactions between members and Mr. Nikam. .Most funny questions on Rationing system.Our members not aware about this system.Some funny questions were also asked by some members . At the end of the program our members sung Mard Amhi marathe khare,Kshitij nave re khitij nave .That was very impressive.One hour that session continued after that we returned home.

After lunch there was one open area drawing competition in Temple premices.Many parants also came that time to participate in camp.After competition there was camp end ceremony in which diary story speech,prize distribution , prizes were given to sincere student,best camp leader,best drama etc.Lot of help from Shrikant Rode family.Chandrant Rode gave lot contribution for making camp successful.Vehicle arrangement, appointments of government officials would not possible without his help. Tanvee and Vikrant gave thanking speech to all who helped us.
Our muktangan members got lot of knowledge in various sections.Trekking , interviews, making food, discipline, leadership, historical knowledge , cooperation, coordination many things, they went through.It was outstanding muktangan camp.Main key factor of that camp was Shrikant Rode ,our members Prathamesh & Pranali's Father.So parants role is important.Due to him our members got opportunity